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             by MeSy

Nutrition . Health . Life

Nutrition vs Health

How nutrition can contribute us for a better health and life ?



Usually, FOOD PYRAMID used as a guideline for people to plan their healthy diet. If we refer to the food pyramid above, there will be 5 different part of food type. As the same as the shape, those food that categories on the lowest part means, that food mostly needed by our body in large amount while the food that in the most upper part show that, it is needed in smaller  amount.  This guidance is very useful to plan our daily meals so that we can purchase a healthy diet. BUT how many of us really refer and practice this guideline in our daily life ???


Then, "You are what you eat !"

Let's begin our nutrition explore with musics !!!

​-overview nutrition song-

~ A knowledge for a better life ~

Video :



Link :


Source :


What does it's mean by nutrition ???

how about healthy diet ???


Wickedly good! increadibly tempting! chocolety delicious!


Sweets is offering you the highest amount of sugar into you taste bud! when comes to seasonal holiday, children, adult, parent, senior citizen is enjoying much the delight sweetness that offer for them in store! sweetness in the caramel apple came from the taste of the glucose. Glucose is very essential for human and act as a foundation for a person to do their daily work. brushing teeth, put on shoes, drive yourself around shopingmall require you to use energy from your body and that comes from ATP.


When your body eat too much of sugar:


1. damaged your liver. where the main shuttle place for glucose is your liver! overloads of the glucose will mainly damaged your liver.


2. cause metabolic dysfunction. This symptom also known as classic metabolic symptom which trick body to store large amount of sugar and become abdominal obesity, decrease HDL, increase LDL and high blood pressure.


3. increase uric acid level. increased level of uric acid will more likely effect your heart and kidney.





Cheat day happen once in a while but dont stuff your face with all the unwanted sugar that you hardly earned weight loss on just a full plate of brownies and sodas.


We hope this site will give benefits to everyone. Some of the fact, information, data we show in this site may come from our reading (books, article, jurnal), youtube, class session and our own observation. May some of the information can be used scientifically and may be not.




by MeSy                                                                        



Bachelor of Science (Biology)

Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering

University of Technology Malaysia

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