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"Wonderful Moment for

              a Wonderful Experience"



Planning for pregnancy


-Health and nutrition habit of woman (esp) important for successful pregnancy.


-Factor need to be considered when planning for pregnancy and during pregnancy

  • Health condition (Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity and etc)

  • Nutrition habit (Eating habit, nutrient stores, caffeine)

*certain medicine such as aspirin and those related to NASIDs have tendency to damage the featus.

  • Social factor/ Lifestyle (Drugs, Ciggarate, Alcohol, Stress)

  • Environmental factor (Hazards, exposure to x-rays)


-Although most of pregnancy is unplanned, but still all the factor is important to be considered before conception to avoid any problem and complication of fetal or newborn health.


-Diabetes, Hypertension, Phenylketonuria, AIDS may lead to serius complication in pregnancy including fetal death and birth defect.


-Successful pregnancy planning:

  • Prepregnancy weight and nutrition stores- affect the ability to be pregnant

  • Underweight women- experience - reduce the ability to ovulate.

  • Changes of pregnancy increase when the body fat is at the healthy level.


-Pregnancy of overweight women

  • Baby born to obese women tend to have higher risk in,

  • Birth defect

  • Death in the first few week after birth

  • Obesity in childhood

  • Many obese pregnant women experience,

  • High blood pressure

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Delivery complication (Difficulty during labour)


-Pregnancy of underweight women

  • Baby born tend to be,

  • Having low weight

  • Premature baby

  • This problem is due to underweight women tend to have a lighter placenta and lower nutrient stores in body especially iron.

  • This problem can be improve by gaining weight before planning to pregnant or during the pregnancy period.


-Adequate intake of vitamin and mineral before conception and during pregnancy can improve outcome of pregnancy.


-Adequate folate supply (400 mg/d), prevent birth defect such as neural tube defect and decrease the risk of preterm delivery,


-Low intake of calcium and iron or excessive intake of vitamin A also cause for concern during pregnancy.


-Stage of pregnancy:

  • First trimester (first 3 months) : From conception to 12 weeks

  • Second trimester (4-6 months) : Week 13 - 28

  • Third trimester (7-9 months) : Weeks 29-40


We hope this site will give benefits to everyone. Some of the fact, information, data we show in this site may come from our reading (books, article, jurnal), youtube, class session and our own observation. May some of the information can be used scientifically and may be not.




by MeSy                                                                        



Bachelor of Science (Biology)

Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering

University of Technology Malaysia

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